

Peas are a great source of fiber and plant-based protein.

Peas are small, round, green legumes. The official name for this category of beans and legumes is “pulses”. There are a couple of varieties of peas, such as snow peas, sugar snap peas and garden peas.

With both garden and sugar snap peas, the peas are encased in a pod that holds the individual round peas you see above. Snow peas are flatter and more translucent than the other two varieties. All of these variations are similar in flavor!

Health Benefits of Peas:

Similar to other beans and legumes, this pulse is primarily known for its fiber and plant-based protein content. The fiber helps to keep our digestive system moving, keeps us fuller for a longer period of time and allows for a steady flow of energy to be released over the course of the day.

Peas are also a great source of starchy carbohydrate, which is the body’s primary source of energy. In combination with the plant-based protein and fiber, peas are a great addition to any well-balanced diet!

Nutrient Breakdown of Peas:

*Per 1 cup

How To Use:

Peas can be used in a variety of ways! They are great fresh or frozen in salads, dips, hummus, soups, spreads or even stir fry. They’re also perfect for mixed pasta dishes or simply as a side on their own.


Spring Green Pea Soup

Black-eyed Peas And Kale Soup

Sesame Snow Pea Salad

Minty Spring Pea Dip

NS Recommends:

Frozen peas are just as great to use as fresh peas; they’re convenient, nutrient dense and affordable. Just be sure whenever you’re purchasing frozen peas or vegetables that the only ingredient in the bag is peas, nothing added!