Raw Avocado Lime Tart | Nutrition Stripped
Eat Well Jul. 26. 2016

Raw Avocado Lime Tart

Jul. 26. 2016
McKel Hill Kooienga, MS, RDN, LDN

McKel Hill Kooienga, MS, RDN, LDN

Founder of Nutrition Stripped® and the Mindful Nutrition Method™

A raw, dairy-free, gluten-free, refined sugar-free dessert.

Avocado and lime go together far beyond the traditional savory way – avocado toast. I’m about to share with you one of the best desserts to share during the warmer seasons of the year, a completely raw, dairy-free, gluten-free, refined sugar-free Raw Avocado Lime Tart. It’s loaded with healthy fats, especially those from the avocado, but also the raw crust is made up from nuts, coconut, and a couple extra ingredients to boost the nutrition of this dessert making it a true #skinfood. Who doesn’t want that…especially for dessert!?

Dessert #skinfood

When I’m asked to give my top recommendations on foods for healthy and glowing skin, I have a hunch you can guess what my #1 is. If not, it’s avocados! Avocados are truly a “beauty” food, if you will, because they’re full of healthy fats which we know are crucial to healthy hormones, strong and elastic cell membranes, and collagen. Healthy fats also aid in keeping our skin moisturized and hair strong. Not only are avocados rich in monounsaturated fats, but they also contain fiber which keeps our digestive systems healthy and moving along, another huge factor when we think about radiant skin. Avocados also contain vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, manganese…I could go on and on but I’ll let ya read up on the NS Pantry page for more specifics! Besides avocado, coconut oil and coconut in general are on my list for top “beauty” foods and guess what? This recipe has both coconut oil and shredded unsweetened coconut in it!

Have you ever had cheesecake? (yeah) Have you ever had key lime pie? (yeah) See what I’m doing there? I’m answering for you because I’m pretty confident that you guys have tried one of these and that you’ll LOVE this one. The Raw Avocado Lime Tart is a crazy-cool combination of these traditional desserts that embraces whole foods completely without any of the dairy, refined flours, or refined sugars. I use good ole’ avocados as the bulk of the pie filling, and lime balances the sweetness of the maple syrup and cuts the rich texture and flavor of all the healthy fats from the avocado. It’s a beautiful balance. Since it’s the summer, this is a go-to recipe I’ll bring when hanging out with friends by the pool, at a party, etc. People love it!

Yes or No?

Lime and avocados for dessert, whaddaya think? Let me know how you like this recipe in the comments or if you have questions. It also helps when you rate the recipe when you try it so I can improve them for you. Be sure to snap a picture when you make it at home share it on Instagram with #nutritionstripped so I can see!

xx McKel


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The Recipe



For the crust:

1 cup raw almonds

1 cup shredded unsweetened coconut, toasted

1/2 cup roasted pistachios

1/2 cup pitted dates

1/3 cup melted coconut oil

1 teaspoon lime zest

Pinch of sea salt

For the filling:

5 avocados, pitted and skins removed

1 teaspoon lime zest

Juice from 6 limes

1/3 cup maple syrup

1 cup melted coconut oil

Pinch of sea salt

Stevia to taste, optional

Optional garnishes, to serve: fresh mint, toasted coconut, lime wedge, bee pollen, crushed pistachios


Grease a pie tin (preferably with a removable bottom) with coconut oil.

In a food processor, combine all the crust ingredients and blend until the mixture holds together when you push it between two fingers.

Pour the crust into the well-greased pie tin and firmly push crust mixture into the bottom and up the sides until an even layer of crust is covering the entire pie pan. Place in the fridge to harden and cool while you make the filling.

In a high-speed blender or food processor, add all filling ingredients and blend until velvety smooth. Adjust seasonings to taste (add more sea salt if needed, add stevia to sweeten, etc., but you want it to still be tangy).

Pour this mixture into the chilled crust from the fridge and evenly smooth out the top using a spatula. Place complete pie in the fridge to firm overnight or in the freezer for up to 2 hours or until firm before serving.

To serve, use a hot knife (run under hot water) to slice, serve with optional garnishes and enjoy! Store in an airtight glass container in the fridge for up to 1 week or in the freezer for 3 weeks.


This recipe is inspired by Hemsley and Hemsley’s Avocado Cheesecake which you can find here.

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