Energy Almond Butter Balls | Nutrition Stripped Society
Eat Well Feb. 26. 2016

Energy Almond Butter Balls

Feb. 26. 2016
McKel Hill Kooienga, MS, RDN, LDN

McKel Hill Kooienga, MS, RDN, LDN

Founder of Nutrition Stripped® and the Mindful Nutrition Method™

Say hello to Energy Almond Butter Balls, one of the most popular and my personal favorite recipes from the Winter meal plans from the Guide to Master Meal Planning. I created the Guide to Master Meal Planning to help make your life easier when it comes to meal planning, saving your mental energy that comes along with thinking and contemplating food choices, what to cook, how to organize a grocery list, and so much more. The feedback has been better than I imagined and I’m constantly asking the members what else I can do to help make their life easier, what resources I can add, etc.; because at the end of the day it’s for you– that’s all that matters, right!? Back to these AB balls…

Try saying Almond Butter Balls three times or just over and over because you’re speaking into a camera under studio lights–you’ll end up with hilarious bloopers which I’ll be sharing soon but instead here’s a little clip from the cooking videos you get as a member and to help show you how to makes these bad boys!


Energy Almond Butter Balls from the Guide to Master Meal Planning
Serves: 30-60
An exclusive recipe from the Nutrition Stripped Guide to Master Meal Planning, energy almond butter balls loaded with healthy fats, fiber, carbohydrates, and protein for an on the go snack.
  • 1 cup rolled oats, ground into a fine-coarse flour
  • 1 cup almonds, coarsely ground
  • ½ cup cocoa powder
  • 1 tablespoon maca powder, optional
  • heaping ½ cup organic almond butter
  • 3 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 3 tablespoons coconut oil
  • Pinch of sea salt
  1. In a food processor or blender, combine the oats and almonds first and grind into a fine flour, then add almond butter, coconut oil, and all remaining ingredients.
  2. Mix with the processor or blender until combined and form into balls with your hands, put them in the refrigerator until chilled and hardened and enjoy.
  3. Store in an airtight glass container in the fridge for 2 weeks or up to a month in the freezer, thaw before serving if frozen.
Depending if you use a teaspoon or a couple tablespoons- you can make 30-60 energy balls, respectively.

I hope you all enjoy this recipe as much as we do! AND a huge thank you to all the Guide to Master Meal Planning members who are absolutely incredible- you guys have surpassed my vision about how you’re connecting with each other, becoming friends, sharing stories, it’s pretty amazing to witness and play a small part in your story. Guide to Master Meal Planning and sign up for the free NS newsletter to be the first to get a sneak peek at some exciting insider perspectives on the NS Guide to Master Meal Planning.


You don’t have to enjoy this only when you’re feeling low, you can have it year round which is especially great for kickstarting your digestive system in the morning. I hope you give this one a go! Leave a comment and rate it, rating helps me continue to improve recipes for you. I love seeing what you come up with so don’t forget to take a picture and tag it #nutritionstripped on Instagram!

Over 100 recipes and meal plans for each season of the year! Let the NS Guide to Master Meal Planning take over meal planning for you and leave you the fun bits to do like cooking and dancing in the kitchen on the weekend plus save so much time during the week to do all the things! Sign up here and join us.

xx McKel

The Recipe

Serves 30-60



    • 1 cup rolled oats, ground into a fine-coarse flour


    • 1 cup almonds, coarsely ground


    • ½ cup cocoa powder


    • 1 tablespoon maca powder, optional


    • heaping ½ cup organic almond butter


    • 3 tablespoons maple syrup


    • 3 tablespoons coconut oil


    • Pinch of sea salt




    1. In a food processor or blender, combine the oats and almonds first and grind into a fine flour, then add almond butter, coconut oil, and all remaining ingredients.


    1. Mix with the processor or blender until combined and form into balls with your hands, put them in the refrigerator until chilled and hardened and enjoy.


    1. Store in an airtight glass container in the fridge for 2 weeks or up to a month in the freezer, thaw before serving if frozen.


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