Eat Well Mar. 27. 2018

Last Bits Breakfast Frittata

Mar. 27. 2018
McKel Hill Kooienga, MS, RDN, LDN

McKel Hill Kooienga, MS, RDN, LDN

Founder of Nutrition Stripped and the Mindful Nutrition Method™

This simple breakfast frittata takes the “everything but the sink” approach — for breakfast or if you’re really into it, then dinner too.

We’ve all been there; standing in front of our fridge and wondering how we’re going to use the “last bits” of everything we have. Maybe it’s a few eggs, maybe it’s some kale or baby spinach along with some peppers, onions, tomatoes — you name it. I never like to see produce go to waste and I always challenge myself to get a little creative to use everything I have.

This breakfast frittata is simple, versatile and utilizes fresh produce that you have on hand or fresh-frozen veggies from the freezer, combined with pantry staples like spices to give it a satisfying flavor. Organic — local if possible — eggs alongside greens and sweet and savory vegetables is one of my favorite combinations around and everyone in the family can enjoy it.

While there are a lot of nutritious ingredients in this lineup, kale takes the cake on this one. Kale touts antioxidants, anti-inflammatory benefits, cancer-protective compounds, cholesterol-lowering properties, flavonoids which ward off inflammation and oxidative stress (1) and support the body’s detoxification system. The ability of kale to lower cholesterol is due to its sources of fiber – when steamed, the fiber can actually bind to the bile acids which are then excreted from the body. Kale is part of the cruciferous vegetable family which has been studied in relation to their protective compounds in cancer development (colon, breast, bladder, prostate, and ovarian) mainly from the anti-cancer nutrients glucosinolates. (2)

This breakfast frittata recipe is all about a lazy weekend — or weeknight #breakfastfordinner! It’s simple, quick to pull together, and resourceful with ingredients you already have on hand. Don’t overthink this one. You’re getting a great blend of protein, fiber, and vitamins and minerals all in one fell swoop.



Eggs are an excellent source of protein. One large egg has about 6g of protein. Not to mention, these little nutrition powerhouses contain essential vitamins such as vitamin D, minerals such as choline and zinc, and healthy fats, too. If you don’t consume eggs then you can’t technically make a frittata, but you could make a delicious hash/scramble using organic tofu or tempeh here.


Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants that protect the bones, liver, kidneys, bloodstream, and may also work to reduce the damage to fat in cell membranes or within the bloodstream. They’ve been in great detail with their relation to cancer protection. Tomatoes provide overall cardiovascular support and decrease the risk of heart disease, lowers cholesterol, supports bone health, and the minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants are great for general health.

Kale, along with the rest of the cruciferous vegetables, has been studied in relation to its cholesterol-lowering effect due to its antioxidant compounds and fiber content.

Support Detoxification:

Kale has also shown powerful detoxification properties. It lowers the risk for certain types of cancer mainly due to the ITC content, isothiocyanates made from glucosinolates. These ITC’s are also responsible for kale’s support on the detoxification system. Additionally, tomatoes contain lycopene, the red pigment found in many fruits and vegetables, which can help support detoxification in our body.

Optimizer Option:

For flavor and a touch of minerals, add fresh herbs such as parsley, dill, or basil. An additional bonus is to add Kite Hill ricotta cheese (non-dairy) which is the best I’ve tried besides our classic cashew cheese!

The Recipe

Serves 6



2 tablespoons olive oil

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 bunch purple kale, cooked with olive oil and sea salt

5 whole eggs

1 cup unsweetened almond milk

1 cup whole cherry tomatoes

1/4-1/2 teaspoon sea salt

Freshly ground black pepper

Garnish options: fresh chopped dill, parsley, or basil. Non-dairy or organic dairy cheese depending on your lifestyle, or avocado for extra fiber and healthy fat.



Step 1

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

In a medium-hot oven-safe skillet, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil, garlic, sea salt, pepper, and cook for 5 minutes or until garlic is fragrant. Next, add the chopped kale and cook until soft, about 8 minutes. Adjust seas salt and pepper as needed. Set aside

Step 2

Using a hand whisk in a large bowl or a high-speed blender on medium setting, whip the eggs and almond milk — about 1 minute in the blender. Pour this mixture into the skillet with the cooked kale, add the cherries, and bake at 350 degrees F for 10 minutes or until the eggs are tender and cooked through.

Step 3

Cut and serve the frittata with optional fresh herbs, Kite Hill dairy-free cheese, hot sauce, avocado, additional black pepper, and salt to taste.

Making It?

If you make this “Last Bits” breakfast frittata your way, I want to see it! Tag us on Instagram @nutritionstripped #nutritionstripped and submit your own photos in the comment section below.


  1. Angeloni, C., Leoncini, E., Malaguti, M., Angelini, S., Hrelia, P., & Hrelia, S. (2009, June 24). Modulation of phase II enzymes by sulforaphane: implications for its cardioprotective potential.
  2. Hayes, J. D., Kelleher, M. O., & Eggleston, I. M. (2008, May 07). The cancer chemopreventive actions of phytochemicals derived from glucosinolates.

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