Epic Thai Spring Rolls
Eat Well Jan. 5. 2016

Epic Thai Spring Rolls

Jan. 5. 2016
McKel Hill Kooienga, MS, RDN, LDN

McKel Hill Kooienga, MS, RDN, LDN

Founder of Nutrition Stripped® and the Mindful Nutrition Method™

An easy Thai spring roll recipe that is naturally gluten-free, high in fiber with raw vegetables and fruits, and adaptable to your choice of protein.

Versatile Spring Rolls

The beauty of making a spring roll is the versatility. I get it, some of you are vegan, some of you enjoy animal proteins, some eat seafood and all of it is great. Whatever works for you and what your body enjoys, use those ingredients!

I’m going to share my favorite fillings as a baseline and then you can add in a protein or any other veggie you love. For example, in the spring and summer I love added cooked but chilled shrimp for a boost of protein and in the winter I’ll add curried tofu for a bit of warming spices and pair it with sliced mango — so good!

I’m interested to hear what kind of combinations you come up with and be sure to share them on Instagram (#nutritionstripped) when you try this one out. As much as the filling is versatile, there is one ingredient you kind of need to have to actually make these a roll, the paper.

You can, of course, use a dark leafy green like swiss chard or even romaine, but you lose the vibe of the roll. You can also use nori sheets…but then again, that’s just a sushi roll so let’s stick with the classic rice paper.

Tips for Making Spring Rolls

When making these I find it works best to have a large bowl of warm water on your countertop to dip the rice papers to soften and then start filling and rolling. It’s also best if you completely prep all your fillings before you start assembling. It’s very similar to rolling sushi, yet more forgiving since rice paper isn’t as delicate as nori. The sauce is completely optional, but I highly recommend you try it out!

Side note, these make AMAZING leftovers that are perfect for batch cooking.

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Epic Thai Spring Rolls
Recipe Type: supper, entree
Prep time:
Total time:
Serves: 1
Quick thai spring rolls made with rice paper and filled with fresh crunchy vegetables and tropical fruit.
  • 2 sheets rice paper
  • 1/2 red bell pepper, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 english cucumber, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 cup thinly sliced red cabbage
  • 1/4 medium mango, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 green apple, thinly sliced
  • 1 package of Kelp Noodles (see below for brand)
  • For the sauce:
  • 2 tablespoons tamari sauce
  • 1 tablespoon organic creamy peanut butter
  • Pinch of red chili flakes
  • Juice of 1 lime
  1. First, start by soaking the kelp noodles in warm water while you’re prepping all your veggies. They’ll gradually soften (still al dente) while you’re getting ready to assemble.
  2. Using a large bowl of warm water, gently dip 1 rice paper at a time, depending on how many rolls you’re making. I typically do 2 rice papers per serving.
  3. On a clean surface like a cutting board, lay flat the softened rice paper then start laying the thinly sliced vegetables and fruit in the lower 1/3 and center of the rice paper. Using your hands, gently fold the sides towards the center (similar to rolling a burrito), then roll from the bottom up tightly rolling the rice paper around the fillings. Continue until it’s rolled.
  4. For the sauce, simply stir together and dip the spring roll in and enjoy. Immediately enjoy or keep in the fridge for up to 1 day.

Ingredients I used: rice papers or these paleo wraps are delicious too and made from coconut meat (!), reduced sodium tamari sauce, organic creamy peanut butter (or from Trader Joe’s), kelp noodles. 


The Recipe

Serves 1



    • 2 sheets rice paper


    • 1/2 red bell pepper, thinly sliced


    • 1/2 english cucumber, thinly sliced


    • 1/2 cup thinly sliced red cabbage


    • 1/4 medium mango, thinly sliced


    • 1/2 green apple, thinly sliced


    • 1 package of Kelp Noodles (see below for brand)


    • For the sauce:


    • 2 tablespoons tamari sauce


    • 1 tablespoon organic creamy peanut butter


    • Pinch of red chili flakes


    • Juice of 1 lime




    1. First, start by soaking the kelp noodles in warm water while you’re prepping all your veggies. They’ll gradually soften (still al dente) while you’re getting ready to assemble.


    1. Using a large bowl of warm water, gently dip 1 rice paper at a time, depending on how many rolls you’re making. I typically do 2 rice papers per serving.


    1. On a clean surface like a cutting board, lay flat the softened rice paper then start laying the thinly sliced vegetables and fruit in the lower 1/3 and center of the rice paper. Using your hands, gently fold the sides towards the center (similar to rolling a burrito), then roll from the bottom up tightly rolling the rice paper around the fillings. Continue until it’s rolled.


    1. For the sauce, simply stir together and dip the spring roll in and enjoy. Immediately enjoy or keep in the fridge for up to 1 day.


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