
Support and FAQ

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Step 1: Please browse your question or area you need support with below as most of our commonly asked questions are covered here.

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→ The Mindful Nutrition Method™

No. This is not a membership or a subscription that can be canceled, we offer a payment plan option as a convenience to be more flexible and you are still committing to make all your payments.

You will have access for 12-months after joining the program and for however long you are an active student after that initial 12-month period.

When you join, you’ll get automatic updates as they release during your active membership and you will be the first to hear of opportunities to upgrade to additional offerings.



This would be trademark and copyright infringement and we take this very seriously.

While we’re flattered that McKel’s mindful eating method is resonating with so many RD’s and health care professionals.

We don’t allow the work you see on Nutrition Stripped to be shared within your work, with clients, or reposted as it’s protected as our trademarked and proprietary method. Please refer to our Intellectual Property policy. 


Step 2: If you can’t find your answer, then please email [email protected] and allow 4-7 business days for our small team to get back to you.

Our customer support email hours are Monday – Thursday.

If you haven’t received a response from us after 7 business days, please email us again as sometimes emails get lost and we want to make sure you’re taken care of.