A rejuvenating and hydrating facial mist using rose essential oils and an all natural rose water.
The Natural Beauty Series is back with one of my favorite DIY beauty products to make…ever! Rose Water Mist is a hydrating and cooling mist made with only 2 ingredients that smells amazing and is completely refreshing. I constantly have rose water in my purse, my favorite Madewell tote bag, my car, my gym bag, you name it. Everywhere I go I have a small bottle of rose water to keep my skin looking fresh, dewy, and hydrated. I find it especially great to keep around when the seasons change. I’m not sure about you all, but whenever we move into a new season my skin gets incredibly sensitive. This Rose Water Mist is great to combat dry skin from the summer heat or winter chill when our skin needs a bit more lovin’.
Tear fresh rose petals from the flower/stem itself. You’ll only be using the petals. Use one part rose petals to two parts water. Place petals in a saucepan, cover them with water until the rose petals are just under the water, and simmer until all the color from the rose petals has left the petal. You will notice the rose oil floating on the surface. Let sit until the mixture has become cool. Strain the rose petals and keep the rose water to the side. Use the “recipe” below to make the Rose Water Mist.
1/2 cup of the Rose Water (see blog for recipe)
3 tablespoons of jojoba oil or other oils you enjoy using
spray bottle
Mix all ingredients together in a reusable spray bottle. Give it a little shake before each spritz. Use this to refresh your face all day long, keeping your skin hydrated.
Store at room temperature.
The rose petals in the spray bottle are purely for photography purposes here. You don’t want to keep them in long or else they’ll start to “go bad” and ruin your beautiful water! You may have extra rose water and mist left over, but I try to fill up the spray bottle and store the extra in the fridge! Storing some in the fridge is also an amazing way to use it in the summer time or whenever you need a quick, cool, refreshing mist. Give it a good shake and spritz on your face. It’s as simple as that!
Looking for a spray bottle? A couple of my favorites are here and here.
I hope you all enjoy this one! I keep a small bottle in my purse and one in my tote for walking and working at coffee shops. It’s the little things like a mist of rose water that give your mind and body just a couple moments of relaxation. Be sure to show me what you’ve created and how you made your Rose Water Mist by using #nutritionstripped on Instagram and facebook!
xx McKel
p.s. Check out these other natural beauty posts:
The Best On the Go Hair Mask For Split Ends
Mind-Body Frankincense and Honey Mask